“Come For Afternoon tea” - A mini cookbook download

Capturing a food-loving legacy

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In this world of digital content its easy to forgot how temporary the medium really is - there’s nothing like turning the pages of a hand written recipe journal which brings to life your childhood food memories.

In the years since Mums passing (Glenda Weldon) I’ve been reading and baking my way through her recipes; from her years as a young wife in the 1950s, to an experienced cook and collector of recipes and stories from all over the world.

Food was her “language of love” and everyone was always welcome at her table. Her afternoon teas were a real event – full of great conversation and delicious home–baked treats and the table laid with care, creativity and much loved pieces.

Her home was artful, considered, and always full of flowers – which is why I have included scenes from my home on Sydney’s northern beaches as a testament to her influence. If, like me, you’re keen to transition to a healthier version of these classics, then you may like to swap plain flour with spelt flour and replace brown sugar with coconut sugar.

Mum was loved by so many and her afternoon teas and recipe-sharing conversations are fondly remembered and often recalled by family and friends.

I hope you enjoy making these delicious afternoon tea treats as much as we did. Hopefully it will inspire you to create a little book featuring some of your families favourites.

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